
class AnnotationTypes

Type-safe access to annotations and their associated metadata

BoundingBoxes2D - Two-Dimensional bounding box annotations
BoundingBoxes3D - Three-Dimensional bounding box annotations
SemanticSegmentation2D  - Two-Dimensional semantic segmentation annotations
InstanceSegmentation2D  - Two-Dimensional instance segmentation annotations
SemanticSegmentation3D  - Three-Dimensional semantic segmentation annotations
InstanceSegmentation3D  - Three-Dimensional instance segmentation annotations
OpticalFlow - Optical flow mask annotation
BackwardOpticalFlow - Backwards optical flow mask annotation
Depth - Depth mask annotation
SurfaceNormals2D - Two-Dimensional surface normal annotation
SurfaceNormals3D - Three-Dimensional surface normal annotation
SceneFlow - Point-Cloud scene flow annotation
BackwardSceneFlow - Point-Cloud backwards scene flow annotation
MaterialProperties2D - Two-Dimensional material properties annotation
MaterialProperties3D - Three-Dimensional material properties annotation
Albedo2D - Two-Dimensional albedo documentation
Points2D - Two-Dimensional key point annotations
Points3D - Three-Dimensional key point annotations
Polygons2D - Two-Dimensional polygon annotation
Polygons3D - Three-Dimensional polygon annotation
Polylines2D - Two-Dimensional polyline annotation
Polylines3D - Three-Dimensional polyline annotation
PointCaches - Three-Dimensional point cache annotation


Access 2D Bounding Box annotations for a camera frame:

>>> camera_frame: SensorFrame = ...  # get any camera's SensorFrame
>>> camera_frame: SensorFrame = ...  # get any camera's SensorFrame
>>> boxes_2d = camera_frame.get_annotations(AnnotationTypes.BoundingBoxes2D)
>>> for b in boxes_2d.boxes:
>>>     print(b.class_id, b.instance_id)

Access class map for an annotation type in a scene:

>>> scene: Scene = ...  # get a Scene instance
>>> from paralleldomain.model.annotation import AnnotationTypes
>>> class_map = scene.get_class_map(AnnotationTypes.SemanticSegmentation2D)
>>> for id, class_detail in class_map.items():
>>>     print(id,