
class SceneFlow(vectors, valid_mask=None)

Represents a Scene Flow mask for a point cloud.


Matrix of shape (N x 3), where N is the number of points of the corresponding point cloud. The second axis contains the x, y and z offset to the position the sampled point will be at in the next frame. Note: This exact position might not be sampled by a Lidar in the next frame!


Matrix of shape (N X 1) with values {0,1}. 1 indicates a point with a valid flow label in the vectors attribute. 0 indicates no groundtruth flow at that pixel.


Using the Scene Flow vector mask in combination with to get a view of the next frame:

>>> lidar_frame: LidarSensorFrame = ...  # get any lidars's SensorFrame
>>> flow = lidar_frame.get_annotations(AnnotationTypes.SceneFlow)
>>> xyz =
>>> next_frame_xyz = xyz + flow.vectors
>>> import open3d as o3d
>>> pcd = o3d.geometry.PointCloud()
>>> pcd.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(next_frame_xyz)
>>> o3d.visualization.draw_geometries([pcd])