
class AgentSpawnData(*, proto=None, tags=None)

Contains spawn metadata that applies across agent types.

  • tags (Optional[List[str]]) – tags

  • proto (Optional[pd_unified_generator_pb2.AgentSpawnData]) –


Tags to be applied to the agent. Tags are case sensitive.

class DroneSpawnData(*, proto=None, ascend_probability=None, ground_asset_probability=None, ground_assets=None, flight_path_dir=None, agent_spawn_data=None, height_offset=None, ground_asset_height_offset=None)

Parameters to control a drone’s spawn characteristics and movement behavior.


Specify the probability that the drone will ascend (as opposed to descend). Specified as a float in the range 0.0 to 1.0. Default: 0.5


Probability of having a ground asset directly below the lowest point of the drone’s flight path. Default: 0.5


List of ground assets to choose from if a ground asset should be spawned based on the parameter ground_asset_probability.


Directory where flight path csv files are stored within the instance. If not provided, default flight path shape is used.


Specifies spawn data which applies to the agents. If not provided, will default to default values in AgentSpawnData.


Specifies the vertical distance, in meters, between the lowest point of the drone flight path and the ground. Specified as a ContinousUniformDistribution which is randomly sampled from at scenario generation.


Specifies the vertical distance above the ground which the ground asset should be spawned at if a ground asset should be spawned according to parameters in ground_asset_probability.

Specified as a ContinousUniformDistribution which is randomly sampled from at scenario generation.

class PedestrianSpawnData(*, proto=None, pedestrian_color_override_probability=None, pedestrian_color_override_rgb=None, orient_to_velocity=None, check_occupancy=None, jaywalker_ego_fwd_offset=None, agent_spawn_data=None, ped_behavior=None, asset_name=None, speed=None)

Parameters to control a pedestrian’s spawn characteristics and movement behavior.


Specifies probability of overriding color of pedestrian’s clothes to RGB color specified by pedestrian_color_override_rgb. Probability is specified as a CenterSpreadConfig with values in the range 0.0 to 1.0, and is randomly sampled from during scenario generation. If not provided, will default to 0.0.


Specifies color to override pedestrian’s clothes with if a pedestrian will have its clothing color overridden based on pedestrian_color_override_probability. Specified as RGB values in the range 0.0 to 1.0.


Boolean flag to specify whether pedestrians always face the direction of travel. Default: True


Boolean flag to specify whether spawn locations are checked for occupancy by other agents prior to spawning. Default: True


Specifies how far ahead, in meters, a jaywalking pedestrian should be from the tagged vehicle. If ped_behavior does not specify that the pedestrian is a JAYWALKER, this field is ignored. Default: 20.0


Specifies spawn data which applies to the agents. If not provided, will default to default values in AgentSpawnData.


Specifies desired behavior of pedestrian being spawned. If not provided, will default to NORMAL behavior.


Asset name of the pedestrian being spawned. Default: char_hannah_001


Specifies the speed in meters per second of the pedestrian being spawned. Default: 1.0

class VehicleSpawnData(*, proto=None, vehicle_behavior=None, vehicle_peripheral=None, agent_spawn_data=None)

Parameters to controls a vehicle’s spawn characteristics and movement behavior.


Parameters to control the movement behavior of a vehicle. If not provided, will default to default values in VehicleBehavior.


Parameters that control vehicle peripherals (eg. accessories, color, occupants, etc.). If not provided, will default to default values in VehiclePeripheral.


Specifies spawn data which applies to the agents. If not provided, will default to default values in AgentSpawnData.